Archive for June, 2014

Beechwood Meeting Minutes 5/30/14

Author: admin

Meeting, 4pm at Smally’s House, in attendance Mike Small, Roman Warmke, and Brad Jokisch.

1. Financial Report (by Brad:) We’ve yet to send out the June member fee notices and we still have over $1k in the bank ($1,379.00), exact accounting available on request. We are financially set and stable. Our property taxes went up by 20% due to an assessment from the county for “Margarete’s Creek Watershed Improvement.”

2. Website: We will keep the website going as its the best place to put PayPal buttons for payment, as Facebook does not allow. Roman will update the website.

3. Solar Discussion; what started out as interest in Brad’s solar installation blossomed into a discussion on what it would take to make all of Beechwood solar. Smally is going to meet with Jamie on this pipe dream.

4. Houses for sale; seems to be only 2, a small amount as compared to usual.

5. Route 50 improvements, no real new news.

6. No crimes, no deaths, no crippling illnesses, so… that’s good. Now pay your fee below:

Pay online using your credit card here:

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