Archive for April, 2012
There is a lovely, gray and white cat living in our neighborhood. She looks like she had a home at one time, but is now sleeping in the woods and looking for food around our house.
Young adult gray and white, friendly, likely a female. Looks like a thin Charley.
Anyone interested in adoption should email
Present, Roman Warmke, Brad Jokish, Phil Richardson, Joyce Richardson
The meeting convened at 7:20 Roman brought the meeting to order.
Brad passed out the treasurers report. Accomplishments: a new guard rail, and acknowledgement of a voluntary donation. Brad paid $27 a month for lights and paid the property tax for the year from our treasury. In spite of these expenditures, the association is $400 up than we were a year ago. However there are upcoming expenses, such as web page and taxes.
What else should the association do? Phil suggested we build a dock to enhance the lake area. Roman suggested that a new table would be nice at the lake.
Mr. Smalley might be called on to commandeer the building of the dock.
A spring picnic was suggested, but dropped because April and May are extremely busy months. The association will name the fall picnic as its priority.
Brad announced that he will continue collecting dues.
Things to be done:
Collecting dues
Buying fish for late.
Cleaning drain
Contacting Smalley
The meeting dismissed at 8:05
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