Archive for July, 2011

Meeting Minutes, May 23, 2011

Author: admin

Beechwood meeting was called to order on May 23 at 7:15.

Brad Jokish, Roman Warmke, and Phil and Joyce Richardson were present.

Brad Jokish, treasurer, announced that the dues notice was out. There was a discussion of email addresses and those members who must be notified by mail. Brad will keep track of who pays and who doesn’t. Brad agreed that he would tie up the dues as soon as he could.

Roman remarked that several houses in Beechwood are now for sale. The trustees hope for new permanent residents.

Roman moved that the association have one membership meeting per year. Joyce seconded the motion. Roman and Brad told the trustees that they had cleaned the drain. A short discussion ensued as to whether more spring trimming was needed.

It was decided that Fall was a good time for a picnic.

A discussion whether more grass carp should be purchased by the association to take care of the duckweed ended in the affirmative. It was the consensus that the lake looks good.

Is there any progress on the guardrail? Roman said that there will be one at the first hairpin turn beyond the first entrance, at least for now.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55.

Joyce Richardson secretary