Archive for May, 2010

Meeting Minutes – 5/17/10

Author: admin

Beechwood Residential Association
Meeting of Officers
May 17, 2010

Present: Roman Warmke, President; Brad Jokisch, Treasurer; Phil Richardson, Trustee
Absent: Joyce Richardson, Secretary; Dick Schelat, Trustee

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the treasurer’s report. (Report included) Most members have paid their dues and only six (?) have not.  Brad Jokisch will send a follow-up letter to those members. It was suggested that the letter include a list of accomplishments by the  Association during the last two years.

The officers discussed two possible projects for the summer: (1) To construct a dock where the old dock was located. (2) To purchase a boat (used) so that we have a means of cleaning the trash from the outflow pipe and to take readings of the lake to assess its use for swimming and fishing. In addition, we would make the boat available to all dues-paying members for recreational purposes.  We would purchase a combination lock and give the numbers out to Association members.  This is dependent on a conversation with our insurance agent regarding liability.

Brad Jokisch is going to contact our Ohio EPA regarding the lake water pollution from the land above the lake.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Beechwood Association Accomplishments

1.Cornell Rd. sign was moved by Township to the other side of the road so that it is visible to drivers searching for it.

2.Worked with Township trustees to get the roads in Beechwood paved.

3.Over the course of two years we wrote letters and made phone calls regarding the impact of “Fest” on our residences.  As most of you know the Fest has been moved now–perhaps partially due to some of of our complaints.

4.A Beechwood web page was developed and this has been newly revised.  This page is useful to local realtors who are selling property located in Beechwood.

5.We purchased a picnic table for the lake property and painted it.

6.The lake was restocked with fish to help control the duck weed that normally covers it.

7.Ongoing testing of the lake water quality.

8.Established good communication with Township Trustees.  (We write them “thank you” letters for road maintenance, for example)

9.Maintain communications with Association members.  Recently, we informed of a lost dog.  We plan to have a newsletter via email in the near future to continue to facilitate communication.

10.Grippa and Lawrence removed the decrepit bus shelter.

Treasure’s Report: treasurer-repor-0510.pdf

Updated Beechwood Directory: BeechwoodDirectory2010.pdf