Archive for November, 2007
Beechwood Association
Meeting Notes 11/5/07
Present: Roman, Brad, Phil, Dick, and Caryn
New Officers: Roman- President, Brad- Treasurer, Caryn – Secretary, Phil- Trustee, Dick – Trustee
We discussed our job duties and reviewed the last budget report. The budget covers our anticipated expenses but has no room for unexpected events. We identified the following areas as priorities:
*Bus stop – The bus stop should to be taken down and replaced. Roman volunteered to spearhead this.
*Welcome Wagon – We would like to create a more formal way to welcome newcomers to Beechwood and introduce them to the association. Caryn volunteered to spearhead this.
*Dock – We would like to replace the dock. We agreed to wait on this until Spring.
*Picnic table – We would assess the condition of the current table and possibly add another picnic table. Dick volunteered to spearhead this.
We discussed the overflow valve and decided that it was working properly for now.
Roman created a website for sharing association information and this can be used to discuss pertinent issues.
Brad was concerned about possible run-off from the dairy and will look into having the water tested.
Roman raised a concern about the garbage left at the house next to his and will draft a letter to the owner.
Another concern was raised about the dumping going on at the farm that hosts the large spring party.
There is also a noise problem from a truck without a muffler.
Phil will check into creating an electric copy of the bylaws.
We plan to meet quarterly and would be happy to work on any issues or concerns from other Beechwood Association members.
Caryn Asleson
Hi Folks-
The old guard will be handing over reigns to the new guard on Monday, 11/5 at 7 p.m. This means the old Pres, VP, Sec and Treasurer are training the new. Once we know who is doing what position, we will post the names and titles. Anyone interested in attending can call Roman at 740.707.8435 for the meeting location.