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Beechwood Board of Trustees Minutes
Meeting held 5/5/16 from 7-830 pm
At Roman’s Home
In Attendance: – Roman Warmke (President) – Brad Jokisch (Treasurer) – Michael Small (Trustee) – Ed Peterson (Trustee) – Terrence Smith (Trustee) and John Scott (Trustee)
Items Discussed:
1. Welcome, introduction of members, historical perspective, distribute Maps.
2. Financial Report (Brad): Balance is about $800 to the good, no need to raise fees as we’re just treading water paying bills. Brad will begin the collection process for 2016 this summer.
3. Houses for sale, new people. We ID’d a new family who moved in and Brad will try to get them an intro packet in the next month. Two houses still for sale on tail.
4. Lake. Ed lead a discussion about improving the quality and atmosphere of the lake as a centerpiece for our community. Brad is going to commission a study to determine is the pollution is man made, or bovine. Ed brought up ideas like certain plant life we could utilize, and a conservation plan. This lead to –
5. Septic, John lead a discussion on the county’s new plan and how we fit into it, particularly convincing them our “All Gravity” plan is best for the residents. A “right of way” discussion ensued, and John tasked himself to draw up a letter our residents can sign that we can send to the commissioners regarding our desire to use the all gravity system. More on that soon.
Adjourn, next meeting July TBA.
Beechwood Board of Trustees Minutes
Meeting held 1/28/16 from 7-8 pm
At Roman’s Home
In Attendance: – Roman Warmke (President) – Brad Jokisch (Treasurer) – Michael Small (Trustee) – Terrence Smith (Trustee) and John Scott (Trustee)
Items Discussed:
1. Reconvene for 2016, introduction of members, historical perspective.
2. Financial Report (Brad.) – Dues paid by about 70% of households, giving Beechwood a positive bank balance (UP $300 from $1,759 last January to $2,024 this January.) All is well. No action to increase paid households, raise additional funds, or take on additional goals at this time.
3. Special Topics:
– Snow Removal doing great, we’ll write a thank you letter to the Township come March.
– Lights, Utilities, Insurance Paid
– 3 Homes for sale, no new move ins
– Lake doing well, fish purchase to come in Spring (Brad)
– Security/ Theft: None reported, all is well
– Septic Systems: The county has put a HOLD on their expansion plans so so do we.
4. Adjourn, next meeting April TBA.
Meeting, 4pm at Smally’s House, in attendance Mike Small, Roman Warmke, and Brad Jokisch.
1. Financial Report (by Brad:) We’ve yet to send out the June member fee notices and we still have over $1k in the bank ($1,379.00), exact accounting available on request. We are financially set and stable. Our property taxes went up by 20% due to an assessment from the county for “Margarete’s Creek Watershed Improvement.”
2. Website: We will keep the website going as its the best place to put PayPal buttons for payment, as Facebook does not allow. Roman will update the website.
3. Solar Discussion; what started out as interest in Brad’s solar installation blossomed into a discussion on what it would take to make all of Beechwood solar. Smally is going to meet with Jamie on this pipe dream.
4. Houses for sale; seems to be only 2, a small amount as compared to usual.
5. Route 50 improvements, no real new news.
6. No crimes, no deaths, no crippling illnesses, so… that’s good. Now pay your fee below:
Pay online using your credit card here:
The annual picnic was held at Beechwood Lake on October 7, 2012. We had about 25 attendees, and more than enough wonderful food. Our agenda included:
– Meet & Greet
– Financial Report
– Maps and Lists
– Activity Report
– Empty Houses & Debris
– New City Septic Proposal
– Question & Answer
– Elections for 2013
– Let’s Eat
We’ve emailed the most recent directory and if you need a copy contact us anytime.
Beechwood Meeting June 26, 2012.
Present: Phil and Joyce Richardson, Brad Jokish, and president, Roman Warmke.
Roman called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Brad is in the process of collecting dues. He sent the dues letter a week ago. Most long-term residents have paid. Revenue will be down because there are a few empty houses. Brad is sending letters to known owners and renters.
One picnic table is in disrepair. The association might look into getting another picnic table, a bigger one. Roman made the suggestion that we find one that is locally made.
Taxes, insurance and lights are the same as last year. But this, essentially, is where the dues are going.
Solar lights are still going strong.
Brad will give a financial update by the end of summer.
Brad will talk to new people at the top of hill.
Phil will get No Trespassing signs.
Smalley is being asked to build a dock, perhaps this fall or next spring.
There seem to be no crimes so far. There was an unapproved party at the lake, but otherwise this has been a safe community.
August is the month the criminals come out, because people are on vacation.
Do we need fish? The officers discussed getting more grass carp or goldfish.
Brad suggested we get fish this fall.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Hello Beechwood Neighbors,
I hope everyone is doing well! I am emailing because I need to ask for this year’s dues; I apologize for the late notice, but a 2 year old and an infant will do that to you. Please note that the dues are $50. [Thank you to those households who have already paid.]
The Beechwood Association spreadsheet is posted at our webpage and shows where our dues went last year. See “sheet two” for a summary of expenses and dues. Our dues went to pay for the normal expenses of insurance and taxes for the lake property, web page, and the safety lights. Our expenses were down this year in part because Phil and Joyce Richardson donated their coy fish (12) for the lake, and we had no unforeseen expenses. Our income was up because most households paid their dues and we received a significant donation from another Beechwood household. We will use this year’s dues for the same annual expenses and any unforeseen expenses.
We have two ways to pay the dues. You can send /drop off the money to me with the attached form, or you can pay on-line at our web page, using Paypal.
Also, if you have any changes to the directory (see web page) please send that to me either by email or with the form. If you have any comments or questions about the minutes please email Roman Warmke.
Thank you,
Brad Jokisch
Treasurer, Beechwood Association
There is a lovely, gray and white cat living in our neighborhood. She looks like she had a home at one time, but is now sleeping in the woods and looking for food around our house.
Young adult gray and white, friendly, likely a female. Looks like a thin Charley.
Anyone interested in adoption should email
Present, Roman Warmke, Brad Jokish, Phil Richardson, Joyce Richardson
The meeting convened at 7:20 Roman brought the meeting to order.
Brad passed out the treasurers report. Accomplishments: a new guard rail, and acknowledgement of a voluntary donation. Brad paid $27 a month for lights and paid the property tax for the year from our treasury. In spite of these expenditures, the association is $400 up than we were a year ago. However there are upcoming expenses, such as web page and taxes.
What else should the association do? Phil suggested we build a dock to enhance the lake area. Roman suggested that a new table would be nice at the lake.
Mr. Smalley might be called on to commandeer the building of the dock.
A spring picnic was suggested, but dropped because April and May are extremely busy months. The association will name the fall picnic as its priority.
Brad announced that he will continue collecting dues.
Things to be done:
Collecting dues
Buying fish for late.
Cleaning drain
Contacting Smalley
The meeting dismissed at 8:05
Pay online using your credit card here:
Beechwood meeting September 19, 2011
Present: Roman Warmke, Mr. Smalley, Joyce Richardson, Phil Richardson
Roman, President, began the meeting promptly at 7:15.
Discussion began immediately. Smalley said his wife wants volunteers to help plant flowers and other plants in the Beechwood park. Roman will send out an e-mail newsletter to the Beechwood members to see if anyone wants to help. It was suggested that the work party be before the picnic. Suggestions for a date for the picnic is October 16th. The work party would be at 1:00 with Kathy in charge.
Brad will be in charge of getting food for the picnic. Roman will distribute a flyer and put it on the doors in Beechwood as to food and date and work party. Treasurer is the only office that needs a new person. Smalley will think about it.
Three houses are for sale in Beechwood. The brick house on top of the hill has sold, and Roman will write them a note, welcoming them to the neighborhood. A discussion ensued about creating a gift basket for new people.
Phil donated fish to the lake. Grippa has been mowing around the lake. No new crimes reported, but the sheriff checks on Beechwood at least once a week.
Some drivers drive too fast in Beechwood. A gentle reminder: the speed limit is 25 miles per hour.
The meeting adjourned at 8:11.
Joyce Richardson, secretary